Brexit negotiations remain ongoing, and haulier taking goods to the continent need to know what to do next. It is expected that the number of applicants will exceed the limited number of European Conference of Ministers Transport permits (ECMT's) which operators will require for international journeys.
The government has now issued a guidance document on the criteria for the allocation of these permits, which will be issued on both an annual and monthly basis. These will include the number of trips made in the last 12 months to the EU, the nature of goods carried, emissions levels, and the percentage of an operator's total haulage which is to Europe.
A further element of random selection has been added to the process, particularly to smaller operators and to deal with the large number of applicants fairly.
At this time it is understood that annual permits will only be available to operators running Euro 6 vehicles, with those running Euro 5 vehicles qualifying for monthly permits.
Due to the volume of applications expected it is strongly recommended that operators acquaint themselves with the process as soon as possible and be ready to apply for permits for 2019. Follow the below link: